To ensure an equal society in solidarity with the oppressed
- To identify, organize and capacitate the economically marginalized and socially oppressed communities with rights perspective for availing and achieving their rights and resources for their total development with gender and eco sensitivity.
- To nurture the communities to initiate and promote participatory and sustainable economic and social interventions for achieving economic and social empowerment.
- To build up healthy communities free from infections and communicable diseases.
- To reach out to the disadvantaged to uphold the human dignity during natural and people made calamities.
- The aim or purpose for which the Society is established is the ‘Total Development’ of individual, family and the community at large, the weaker section and disadvantaged groups in particular irrespective of caste or creed by promoting social, cultural, educational, economical and health aspects in view of making them self reliant, achieving through innovative and constructive programme.
- To undertake projects such as non-formal education, small savings, agro-services, income generating economic programmes, relief and rehabilitation on account of natural and other calamities and other welfare programme to attain the above said aim.
- To train and help the disadvantaged, start income generating projects such as small scales and cottage industries and other self employment schemes for their well being.
- To impart health and hygiene education for the disadvantaged and to initiate projects and programmes for the said purpose.
- To undertake community projects such as drinking water wells, laying of road, repairing of tanks, and ponds, etc. and to help start and maintain collective ventures inculcating responsibility, self governing and reciprocal assistance through formation of people’s organizations.
- To encourage small saving habits among the people in view of self-reliance and economic upliftment.
- To carry on the work of the society in collaboration or co-operation with or through similar or other organizations.